Climbing Higher, Growing stronger

Monday, October 10, 2011

What is Strength?

As I was falling asleep last night, the image of lifting weights came into my mind. When you lift weights you get to the point where it becomes a struggle to lift anything anymore, even though you are giving your all. In a weight lifting situation, one remembers how many times they lifted or how much weight they lifted, and they are proud of themselves for that accomplishment, the focus is not on the weak feeling that comes after a period of working out, it is on what was accomplished.

With our own lives we sometimes struggle to see that perspective. When we get to the point where we can't lift anymore, we criticize our selves for being weak. We forget to remember all that we have already come through, and all that we are lifting. When lifting weights, you find that the more you lift, the more you can lift. You find you can lift more reps or lift more weight. Even though each time you come to the point that you just can't lift anymore, it is making you stronger, and next time you will be able to handle more and more.

"Strength isn't something you have, it's something you get."